I went back to my reading and to wait for the arrival of Uncle Andrew.When the phone rang, I let it ring, not imagining it could be for me. Danae brought me the mobile housephone to take Aunty Pola's call. She was ringing to berate me because we had not dropped by since before the cruise. Oh well...back to the novel. I must have been deep in thought as Uncle Andrew had been banging away at the kitchen door and halooing, but I hadn't heard a thing. They nearly drove off without me, when Danae heard them and called me to go down. If it wasn't for Danae I would have spent the day alone at home.

We all collected at Aunty Mary's and then gathered into just four cars and drove some small number of kilometers down the road to the tables that had been booked earlier in the week. It was like old home week as Aunty Mary personally introduced us all to the tavern owner. We had a bank of tables against the wall that reached from one side of the restaurant to the other. I think we vaguely arranged ourselves as a Greek speaking end, an English speaking end and a transition area. food was the now familiar mix of salads, dips, breads, grills and baked potatoes. Very nice indeed.

As we had worked our way through the above and managed to find a little more room for a piece of fruit, Lito and Mario arrived after a very late night. I'm sure they would have loved to be alowed to sleep in but family duty called and they answered. Of course the Cyprian thing is not to say goodbye at the restaurant, but to go back to someone's house, and following protocol we went back to Aunty Mary's.
While even more coffees were prepared in the kitchen, Lida and Christo shot over to their Trimiklini house to attend to a couple of matters. Stella and I tagged along to see the interior of the house we had seen from the outside the day before. It had breathtaking views from all the rooms and with balconies on front and back, and french doors leading out to these areas, even I got my fill of fresh air. It's a massive house with a chalet feel...pitched ceilings and open fire with a traditional rustic styling to the furniture. With busy city living professional owners, I don't think that the house gets regular use, but it really comes into its own during celebrations.

Christoforo and Roulla had to leave before the others as they had not one, but two wedding events to attend in the evening. I got a ride back with them, hoping I could get into the work. The conversation on the ride back was all about the merits of different cars and I was suprised to hear Christoforo saying that one of the marques under active consideration was SAAB. Apparently, the locals source them from Singapore. We dropped Christoforo off at home and Roulla drove me the rest of the way home. I really think that after this trip I have a much better relationship with my lovely cousins.

When we got back, Helen was already home, and having done a bit of tidying up around the house and garden, was ready to go out to the birthday party that the neighbours had invited her to. Helen had brought back with her from the christening, one of the balloon displays, so this was passed on to a much delighted birthday person. I begged out in order to do today's post, but soon Helen was back and we were off to Aunty Pola and then Doxa.
I'm glad to be "home" and am looking forward to reading a chapter or two so I can drift off to sleep.
Hi Johnny. Have a nice week in Shepparton. I love you.
I'll keep you posted. Love, Lily