Helen had a job to do with Dox after the school run...no, not the supermarket..a visit to the local monastry to get some gifts for Dox's friends back in Aust. Apparently the priest who sold them the religious trinkets was the same one that christened Danae.

Aunty Mary and Co arrived soon after and whilst Helen flew off to the municipal office with Ian, Aunty Mary got to work breaking open a bagful of pommegranate.
It was about lunchtime before we set off. Helen doesn't like the beach so she stayed home to do jobs (yes, and the school pick-up) whilst we headed off to Lady's Mile beach. It is a very stony beach and you do have to drive through some very industrial territory strewn with container trailers to get to it, but once you are down there, and have settled yourself into the lounges, its very pleasant. We could see the old Limani where our cruise ship will depart from next monday.
Di, Ian and I took a long wander along the stone jetty, and then when we got back to the cafe, we all stripped off for a plunge into the most lovely warm, clear water.

There is a real character down on the seafront. Pelican Pete is very tame. He has his own surfboard that he climbs on top of and has free range of the deck chairs. There is a little pen for him to go into when he's had his fill of pats from tourists. He does this wonderful trick. If you throw him a little pebble, he catches it in his beak and very deliberately places it in a neat little pile. If the pebble falls from his mouth or the placing is not just-so, he persists until he gets it just right.

Aunty Mary was a sight in her floatie ring. She loves the sea, but is afraid to go in without a couple of girls close by. We stayed in for about an hour, then towelled off before having a lunch of calamari, chips, salad and dips on the waterfront. Very nice indeed. What a shame Helen wasn't with us.
Danae had wanted to be dropped off at her dad's work after she had been picked up from school. By the time we got home, Helen was exhausted with doing housework and driving about. All she wanted to do was to lie down. This is Helen's night for going to a talk at the church. I wouldn't mind just vegging out at home. Oops it doesn't look like that might happen. Con (Lefky's godmother's son) has just rung up. He is in the army (?) and in Cyprus for a week. He wants to catch up with Helen...
I'm getting into the pool thing...no, not swimming in it, cleaning it. I keep going down and checking whether there is any debris to be scooped out or seeing if the filter traps need emptying out. I have it pretty clean now, but I'm working at getting the cloudiness out of the water. Ian says that the filtration system is a bit ancient. the new ones have much more straightforward management features. Today I learnt how to backwash. the first purge came out black so I'm assuming that it hasn't been done for some time. Good on Ian. Without him the pool would have still been full of silt.
I don't seem to have done much but I'm really feeling like a siesta. Off I go for a nanna nap. I'll keep you posted, Love, Lily
Danae had wanted to be dropped off at her dad's work after she had been picked up from school. By the time we got home, Helen was exhausted with doing housework and driving about. All she wanted to do was to lie down. This is Helen's night for going to a talk at the church. I wouldn't mind just vegging out at home. Oops it doesn't look like that might happen. Con (Lefky's godmother's son) has just rung up. He is in the army (?) and in Cyprus for a week. He wants to catch up with Helen...
I'm getting into the pool thing...no, not swimming in it, cleaning it. I keep going down and checking whether there is any debris to be scooped out or seeing if the filter traps need emptying out. I have it pretty clean now, but I'm working at getting the cloudiness out of the water. Ian says that the filtration system is a bit ancient. the new ones have much more straightforward management features. Today I learnt how to backwash. the first purge came out black so I'm assuming that it hasn't been done for some time. Good on Ian. Without him the pool would have still been full of silt.
I don't seem to have done much but I'm really feeling like a siesta. Off I go for a nanna nap. I'll keep you posted, Love, Lily