At Festival shoes, I met the other owner, another Austrofile. He said that he would return to Australia in a minute, were it not for the fact that his children are all married and settled here now with young children. Even after 15 years he still finds the local manners a bit abrasive at times.
The lovely Connie dropped in on her day off and the conversation ranged across countless topics (electrical goods, relationships...). Connie has beeen married and divorced twice and has finally discovered the peace and happiness of being without a man to use and abuse her. She says this but there is something very attractive about not only her appearance but also her personality. She is a strong woman, and nobody's mug. I think she is a bit of a honeypot and if she wants to keep her current serenity, she'll have to be on her guard.
With Helen behind the wheel, we flew off towards school, only to find out on the way over that Danae did not need a lift home today. This gave us a minute to drop into Stephano's (YES...ANOTHER shoe shop...and what's wrong with that?). Liberated from the school run, we dropped in to Aunty Pola and again I disgraced myself by washing my cup before she had a chance to read my fortune. Just as we were leaving we fielded a call from Chris. Just back in Melbourne, he wanted to catch up with ALL the news before he flies off to Brussells (maybe we'll catch up with him there..don't know...we'll see).There was one more duty call to do. Helen had still not been paid for the work on the hire cars...again, she gave the boss the list of hours she worked...finally the money materialised!
With a threatening sky above us, we set off to the ancient ruins at Amathunda.We could clearly see the layout of the town. The central area was the agora, through which ran a waterourse. Archaeologists have been working here, and they found water pipes, for the transport of water to the thermae, and to transport wastewater and rainwater outside the city. Amathunda was a city-kingdom, which flourished until Richard Lionheart stopped by on his trips to Jerusalem. There was an argument of some kind, and Richard attacked the city , not content to stop until he had destroyed every column. The ground was littered with the pediment stones that had long ago toppled from the pillars that once supported them.The rain held off and with a slightly fresher breeze, we had a lovely visit to the site

We'd worked up a thirst tecking around Amuthunda, so as we were driving along the main drag next to the seafront, I suggested we drop in somewhere for a drink. Helen took me along the foreshore littered with hotels, through the tourist authority beach to a favourite hangout for the girls, the Limassol Nautical Club. Open, airy and with the most comfortable leather lounges to sink into, it was the perfect watering hole...up until little miss greedy chomped down on a nut she was having with her beer and broke a filling. Yes, Helen to the rescue again. We quickly rang my cousin Maro and headed off to the denist a short drive away. Andoni had a look as soon as I arrived but thought we'd better wait till after the cruise as he thought that the work I needed might leave my mouth feeling very tender.Forget the Island of Venus..I think this is the island of Helen's connections. There is just enough time to pick up the prints before we swing home.

Ring, ring...Danae has gone out with friends and would like a lift home...it suits me to be left at home as I have pohotos to download. Now I know that I did not mention the car for 24 hours, and I know you must be wondering how it's going...well it isn't. It overheated again after the 10 minute trip to pick up Danae and her 2 friends, leaving everyone stranded by the roadside.Yes, it's back to Perry the mechanic tomorrow. I know that Helen is fed up with discussions, assurances and tinkering. Basically, she just wants it fixed...Can Perry do it (my money says it's beyond him, but we'll see).
We have just enough time to throw on a change of clothes and belt off to Xenia's. Her son leaves in a couple of days for studies overseas and the whole family has collected to send him off. Xenia has hired tables and chairs and the whole driveway is one long banquet table. Xenia has been working overtime in the kitchen and everyone has brought along a dish as well. There are yemistes (stuffed vegetables), giros, salads, potatoes, dips...all the regular fare and sweets to follow. Most people have been working a full day and have rushed home to cook for tonight. Neighbours and friends wander in throughout the night...It's a very happy gathering.

The women at the far end look deep in absorbing conversation so I wander over. They are all refugees from Morphou. I ask about their visit to their home. Suprisingly, there is no acrimony felt for the people who live in their homes.."We are all refugees" they explain. Aunty Pola is impressed with how they have extended and improved "her "house. The old iron bars on the windows have been replaced by aluminium..."if you want to visit you should go on Saturday" they explain..."The market is open and there is a lot of life on the streets".

If I've understood the relationships, Xenia (Pola's daughter) is married to Evro (Children are Polina, Savva, Maria and Hara). Mario (a manager of 3 E&S stores and a chain smoker !!!) is married to Saki ("the best cook" he tells me). their children are Georgia, Andri (nearly fully qualified as a nurse) and little Yianni. Yianni (Mario's amd Xenia's brother) is a professional soldier and married to Despo (in hospital with pneumonia) and has 2 daughters: Marilena and Rafaella. It's hard yakka yakking in my limited Greek, but the photos of life in Parkville get me out of trouble...lots of admiring comments about my family...lots of questions about our resident talented fashion designer. "When will they come over to visit us?" "Soon" I reply hopefully.

It's very late and all the older guests are beginning to drift off to their homes but younger contingent of guests, Savva's friends, are just arriving.
Off we go..but not to bed yet. We are going to try to refill the radiator of Helen's car so we can get it home. I drive behind Helen in Lefki's car. We get as far as the supermarket and just as I allow hope to take root, I see the left hand blinker go on and we pull into the carpark. The buggering thing has overheated again! "If we left it in the carpark, and it got stolen by very bad people, would the insurance money be enough to ..."No, I mustn't think like that.
Oh my God...It's 1.46am. I'm off to bed..Goodnight...or Good Morning.
Love, Lily