Having printed the 50 page presentation I have to deliver 3 days after I get back, I thought I’d better start to rehearse some of the material. I didn’t get very far, but at least I made a start. I didn’t realize that while I was upstairs, Helen was stripping beds, doing the washing and a million other jobs.
When we finally hit the road it was late and we only planned to go to the shoe shop, the supermarket and the tax office. Well the shoe shop visit went well. I bought myself some Crocs after trying on Aunty Mary’s. They are as ugly as sin, but very comfortable. Helen picked up some cute as a button shoes for five pounds, so we were very pleased with ourselves. The supermarket visit was principally to pick up some surface spray. We think that the insects that are feeding on me must congregate around the desk…so we are going to liberally coat everything in sight. Like most supermarket visits, it stretched a little and I bought some shampoo etc..Guess what, we met cousin Toulla there. She works upstairs but caught sight of Helen as we were about to get into the lift. She was apologetic about not dropping by, but they are working fulltime and in the midst of house renovations. We will see the family soon.

We were just about to charge off to the city centre to the tax office (something about requiring proof the Sav and Lefki really were dependants for several years and really did complete the majority of their education here..blah..blah..), anyway, we were rescued from all that by a phone call from Roulla. She and Christoforo were home and wanted us to drop by for coffee. They have only just moved into a sprawling, wonderful house 15 minutes outside Limassol.
Roulla’s house is as glossy and expansive as Chris’ and Julia’s. Everything is new and well chosen. The proportions are grand and expansive, with different personalities created in different regions. In R’s house the roof space has been made into an open plan music listening room rather than store, but they even have the same sort of self contained flat for visiting in-laws. It does look rather wonderful. They are great entertainers and the house suits that cultured, social life they have. Apparently the 15 minute drive to work in the morning can be “hell”, but I don’t hear much sympathy on that account. Up until 1974, the whole area was farmed but it was all bought by a bank, which subdivided the lot and made a killing over the ensuing years. It's a hilly area with the houses hanging off the cliffs, with spectacular views across the valley and out to sea (from one side of the house).
Roulla did not like the look of my spots and has added antibiotics to the mix of things I take and rub on myself. She says that if things don’t look any better soon, when Harri (dermatologist brother in law) gets back from overseas, he will have a look at me.

We then raced back home for the school pickup and then out to the tax office. In the interim, Danae took delivery of a car, in anticipation of getting a license. Of course she did what we all do with a second hand car and gave it a wash and wax as well as a thorough vacuum, to get it sparking and just so. Later in the night it rained and of course, rather than being pleased that reservoirs were getting a helping hand, like me, she was bemoaning that the rain would leave spots on the car. 

There was a bit of Physics homework with a friend before we shot out. Danae has a really attractive friend who popped in with her mum, to do some homework. She has been looking for work, and Helen has been on the lookout for her. A phone call later, the problem is solved, and mother and daughter are most grateful to Helen. For a young person, the friend shows bags of maturity and responsibility. She is a real saver with money, paying for all the school camps and overseas trips herselg from her work savings. More power to the girl. Her mum has every reason to be really proud of her.
In the evening we went out to dinner with Con, Lefki's godfather’s son. He is in the Aussie army and serving in Iraq. Con is thriving and happy with army life. Gratefully, he is serving in headquarters which is air-conditioned and we assume safer than street patrols. I must say that temperatures of 50 plus don't sound much fun and neither does the prospect of getting the Shi'ites and the other lot to play nicely together. He was a most engaging visitor and offered Helen a chance to catch up with a huge number of relatives and friends they have in common. He contacts family every week but has not seen them for some months. On his two weeks of leave, he has spent a week falling in love with the city of Rome and the second week spending time with Cyprian grandparents and friends.

At the restaurant (Chesters) we ran into a girl that Lefki used to work with. She had great memories of Lefki and told us about her hopes to visit Australia. Of course Danae immediately made a call to her Aussie sister (3am) so the friends could have a chat. Helen is missing Lefki and Sav and the connection with Lefki made her feel really good.

At the restaurant (Chesters) we ran into a girl that Lefki used to work with. She had great memories of Lefki and told us about her hopes to visit Australia. Of course Danae immediately made a call to her Aussie sister (3am) so the friends could have a chat. Helen is missing Lefki and Sav and the connection with Lefki made her feel really good.
Helen dropped off Danae (school tomorrow), and we took Con back to his grandparents. They live in a new estate that can be difficult to negotiate with few street signs and hardly any overhead lighting. Still. True to Helen’s new navigational instincts, we got there and back with hardly a glitch.
I’ve just got the email from Johnny about the likelihood of a month or so of work in Europe (late Oct and all of Nov). Wouldn’t it be ironic, if he arrived just as I left.
Well I’m off on an adventure. I’m off on foot to find a place that prints photos so I can take some to the family gathering tonight and on the weekend. Helen says I'll be killed on the roads, but I have faith that I’ll still be alive for lunch.
Keep you posted. Love, Lily
I’ve just got the email from Johnny about the likelihood of a month or so of work in Europe (late Oct and all of Nov). Wouldn’t it be ironic, if he arrived just as I left.
Well I’m off on an adventure. I’m off on foot to find a place that prints photos so I can take some to the family gathering tonight and on the weekend. Helen says I'll be killed on the roads, but I have faith that I’ll still be alive for lunch.
Keep you posted. Love, Lily