Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Day 3 in Kentish Town
The day began with a walk to Regent’s park to give the doggies some exercise. we took the Kentish Town Road down to the canal, but instead of turning left as we did yesterday, we turned right and headed towards Primrose Hill. with each step along t
he canal there was a sense that we were getting closer and closer to big money. The houses seemed to have more renovated additions and private landings with boats moored at the bottom of the garden.
The canal path looked beautiful but it was also a practical thoroughfare with lots of bikes whizzing by. The path rose up at Camden Lock and there was a great little food market setting up there. the stall holders were cooking up vats of curries and spicy Jamaican foods. We found the path again and plunged on to Regent’s Park.
The park was enormous with a wonderful patterning of paths and treelined avenues. As with Hampstead Heath, there was an enormous variety in the different areas. there were so many playing fields (used by nearby schools for their sports competitions), boating lakes, wildlife reserves (crowded with all sorts of ducks and roosting swans), wildflower meadows and vast expanses of mown lawns. Restaurants and coffee kiosks were dotted throughout the gardens and of course we did stop at one for coffee and scones with jam and clotted cream.
We found the Primrose Hill and with its reputation as one of the best views of the city skyline, we had to climb it. Bella bounded up but Molly went on strike half way up and was carried. we could see from one end of London to the other. We then dropped down to street level and an area of specialty shops that reminded me of South Yarra. So many cafes and shops selling little gorgeous things at hysterical prices. Edina and Patsy would have been right at home here.
We followed the roads back to Kentish Town and arrived back home 2 and three quarters of an hour later. It was such a good way to get the lie of the land but we all felt shattered. Bella and Molly slept and we had a restorative tea as Britt prepared lunch. Port pie (from the borough market), pickled onions, crusty roll and salad. Oh yes, and a healthy handful of crisps. Yum.
After lunch it was back down to the train and off to London Central and the Victoria and Albert museum. Britt is a member and is up with the latest exhibitions. We spent two hours there and saw so much but barely made a dent into what was on show. It's the sort of place where you need to go several times and each time, focus on one or two sections. The experience reminded me of seeing the art of the Vatican in Rome. There was so much that after a while you become blaze and just walk past the most incredible treasures with barely a pause. The room full of Rodin brasses were just the staff that led to room after room of 17th century treasures.
By the late afternoon we were both walked out and coffees out. We sat beside the pool in the courtyard and recovered with a big glass of icy cold real lemonade. with plans in place for the evening we though we’d better get home for a rest but this time, rather than taking the tube, we opted for the double decker buses. This was such a good idea as the bus snaked through the iconic centre taking us on a great tour of Knightsbridge, past Harrods, Harvey Nicholls, Hyde Park Corner, Berkely Square, The Ritz, Regent Street, Harley Street . It was like flipping through the pages of Vogue... Miu Miu, Burberry,, Michael Korrs, Gap, Pinko, Paul Smith, Dianne Von Frustenberg, Hermes……gasp, gasp!
20,000 steps later we got home for a bit of a rest! But no time to lose as we soon have to go down to the rose and Crown for trivia night. We will order chinese take away and they will deliver it to the pub for us (strange but wonderful system).

Well the quiz night at the Rose and Crown was an experience. we walked down at about 7 and met wil there. he ordered thwe pizzas which arrived just as the quiz was getting on the waY. THE GIRLS WERE A BIG ASSET. The barmaid who knows and loves them came over and hinted strongly that a couple of our answers might need to be reviwed. I had high hopes as johnny is a major repository of strange and useless information, but apart from a couple of answers, the heavy lifting for our team came from Wil. There was a great atmosphere in the pub and the competition was fierce but friendly. Despite the fiery cilly coated pizza and the ample opportunities for people watching (my favourite sport), my energy reservoir was completly depleted and i nearly fell asleep into the candle on the table. I tried to resist but morpheaus has me well and truly in his grip.
The tribe took pity on me and we left for home be3fore the winner was declared. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow!. This time i slept till 4am, so today I should be able to make it to 9pm before I collapse in a heap.
Into city central tomorrow.
See you soon, Lily