Sunday, September 20, 2015
Day 15 In Kentish Town and the BBQ
Sunday began with a lazy sleep in. One by one we wandered into the kitchen for breakfast and we each dealt with unfinished matters. Me, with the blog and downloading yesterday's photos, Johnny with fussing over a foot blister that has been giving him gyp. Wil repairing his hat with duct tape. Perry who believes you can fix anything with duct tape would have been proud of him. Britty did a tidy up and began preparing for the BBQ we would have later in the day. Britt, Wil, Johnny and the dawgs went up to the butcher to see what sorts of cuts would suit the BBQ, and of course to buy more coffee beans. We go through the coffee at an extraordinary pace. The stem engine in the kitchen will breathe a sigh of relief when Britt and Wil wave us off at 4am tomorrow morning.
when the guys got back we all set about trying to resolve an issue with the fold up bed. the geniuses who organised the furniture move from Dubai to London completely disassembled the sofa bed and lost some parts. It still works but needs a delicate hand to open and close. Screws were tightened and some lateral thinking by Wil led to the use of a tyre and valve as a stop. It's better but further attention might be needed.

What a lovely last day for this visit with Britt and Wil. Its back to the beginning with a walk through Hampstead Heath with Britt, Johnny and the dawgs while Wil stayed at home to prepare the meat for the BBQ and cook a pavlova. We had such a long walk and the girls were so well behaved. One enterprising lady was selling iced Mojitos. Now that's an idea!
Home to Bartholomew Road and a beer before Bellinis (and Wil feeding chopsticks through his beard. What else would a global lawyer do on a lazy Sunday afternoon).
Yes my son in law made some lovely bellinis while he prepared the BBQ. Where did the day go? it's already 4pm.