Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 6 and a beach swim

Day 6
The day began with a modicum of tension. Britt’s event was happening and things had to go just right, Britt has been responsible for bringing a lot of new clients on to the Faux books and one of the chief attractions are that things are done for the clients in a highly professional and effective manner. Wil also expected to have a big day with a long meeting tacked on to the end of the normal work day.
We of course had a very different day planned and went back to bed after Britt and Wil left for work. 

Yes we tried the doggy walk when we got up but Eddie had to be trained to stop at each kerb and his reluctance to walk led to us deciding to leave him at home. When we got back with the girls I took him out armed with shmackoes. Yes he walked but only if I held a tiny bit of shmacko in the lead hand. We made it round the block.

Our plan was to walk to Jumeira 2 Beach behind the Four Seasons Hotel. It was a short walk on the map but again the heat made it seem further, It wasn’t quite as easy to access as we thought it might be as a lot of beachfront development was taking place. Unlike Melb, here they have the foresight to put in all the facilities, playgrounds, roads etc before the developers are called in to infill with residences. After a trundle through what looked like a building site we found it. It was crystal clean and perfect. It was also perfectly empty except for an Indian lifeguard (and his incessant Indian music) and another couple some considerable way down the beach. A boat shell had been moored a little way out as a kind of sunbaking platform, Unlike the other 2 sun worshippers we took refuge in the shade of a very fancy lifeguard station. Soon we were up to our necks in that pure clean clear water.  Though it looked still there was a distinct current that quickly carried us along the beach as we floated. The sun, the water, the blue sky above kris-crossed with jets....it was all paradise for John. Eventually we emerged from the water for a long snooze on the sand.

The walk back home became a bit of a trial as the sun had notched up the heat.  I could barely put one foot in front of the other and was starting to feel distinctly dizzy. As I stumbled home, clutching Johnny’s hand and my eyes fixed on the road beneath, I had the presence of mind to see a small washer and stop to pick it up. It would be perfect for fixing up the chair in our bedroom. I think my distress must have been apparent as by the time we got to the garden villas, a taxi driver had pulled up nearby. We were tempted but did not succumb. It was a huge relief to get home, into the cool of the AC and into a cool shower.

Two hours later, after a rest, a shower, a cool drink and a bunch of some really beautiful black Spanish grapes, I was starting to feel human again. John was stretched out on the lounge chair. “so how has young Eddie been?” I asked. “Fine, except he tried to first eat my sandwich and then my phone” was the answer. Eddie is in the process of sorting out what’s allowed and what’s not.

Around 5pm and with a refreshing breeze sweeping down the canal, we headed off to Waitrose. Britt told us that in the big walk in fridge there were real English pork pies. As well we bought extra fruit, milk etc and the makings for hamburgers. We thought we would add them to the lamb skewers that Britt had planned and serve them with salad and oven chips. We took the short route and the whole journey was much better.