The furnace heat of the day had subsided and everyone took the opportunity of the end of the working week to head out for the myriad outdoor restaurants in the area. The food was a series of middle eastern dishes and was utterly delicious. It was the perfect way to end a wonderful day but as we got home, I knew that bed was calling insistently.
The beach was white sanded and deliciously warm. Without a moment’s hesitation we were all soon in the water. Floating was so easy in that heavily salted sea. Of course with an underwater camera in hand we were all soon performing. It was a lovely way to begin the day and after a quick rinse off we were off to a hidden arty precinct called Boston Road for coffee. To get to this we passed through a dusty industrial area but when we pulled up, everything changed. It was just like a lush desert oasis in the midst of the harsh bareness of the desert. Each area had been hived off to stylish home wares, photographic studio, bike sales, coffee shop etc. Everything was very stylish and chosen with particular attention to high end design and good taste. The visit was also an opportunity for Britt and Wil to get Eddie a new collar as the little guy had quickly grown out of his old one and with his gangling proportions, the vet had suggested it was best for him to wear a thicker band to give his neck more protection.
From here it was a quick drive home pat the supermarket where B and W bought some chicken for tomorrows lunch on the trip to Oman, while John and I went to the car showroom next door and idly dreamed about which car we would buy if we were multimillionaires. Then home for a quick shower a change of clothes into something smarter and a drive to Folly restaurant near the Burge Al Arab district. This was a lovely place perched over sea green canals and amongst the inlets around which a posh hotel spread itself. We arrived through a high gabled area that was reminiscent of the souks. We were led out to a balcony with glorious views across the lagoon. This was very fine dining with a gorgeous tasting menu and wines. The sommelier took the time to come over and have a great chat with us. It was just the most lovely, luxurious lunch and it ended with the waiter bringing us a complimentary sorbet with happy birthday wishes. Did I forget to say that I made a bit of a spectacle of myself doing some table dancing at the restaurant (sadly the evidence is in the photos below).
Have to say we were not up to much when we got home. Soon we were all collapsed on the couches in the courtyard and checking phones before succumbing to the heat and snoozing the rest of the afternoon away. Can it get any better than this?

Saturday, November 4, 2017
Day 3 Lazy Luxurious Dubai Weekend Day 1
DAY 3 Lazy Dubai Weekend.
Waking at 3am let me catch up on the Melb news via The Age, and then, catch up with the facebook and instagram news. I was surprised not to see a furry friend in the bed (other than John that is). An hour or so of aimless internet trawling drew me back into sleep and when I woke at abot 7,30 am it was with a start. Britt and Wil were already out walking the dogs and John was paying bills in the next room.
No shower needed this morning as we planned to go to the beach first thing. It was a chance for Wil to show off the Ranger and we went overland across a nearby sandy development block rather than sticking to the roads. The beach was only a short drive away and we passed the wonderful restaurant that we ended up at the night before.