Saturday doesn't seem to have a different routine to the work week here. Helen got in late, so I let her sleep and went outside to water the garden. I couldn;t work out all the intricacies of the bore so I just had to settle on using the normal hose. Some time later Helen woke and paid me back with a big plate of freslt picked figs..yum.

I hear it was an all blue and white affair in Melbourne with Geelong easilly dusting off the opposition in the AFL Grand Final. Go the Cats! Thanks for the lovely picture of the footy hooligans on the couch.

We were planning to go out with some of Helen's regulars for a saturday coffee, but A's aunty Eleni rang for help. she'd had a very bad night with painful knees and begged a trip to a local hospital. it was a chance to see the local medical system up close. The building was sparkling and new but there seemed a curious absence of staff. There was no-one at the desk and even though we went into the A&E entrance, there was no-one to speak to. After a while a couple of guys sauntered by and we asked them if the knew if there were any staff about. one took a mild interest in us (nothing flashy mind you but he did go off to see if he could find a staff member). The other one, a bit punchy, dishevelled and with a 2 day growth just kept chewing away at whatever he was eating, whilst wandering off. The other guy came back some time later and said that he'd look at Eleni's knees. A short time later he was prescribing a series of pills and lotions, as well as advising Eleni to make an appointment to see her own doctor...all easier said than done as there were no clerical staff to make the appointment and anyway, the last time she went to see him, there was a 16 week wait.
Well, at least we had pills and potions so it was off to the pharmacy..but it can't be just any pharmacy. It has to be the special pharmacy, where Eleni knows thw pharmacist (how is one any different from any other?).
Anyway, will continue the post later. It's time to put on the good clobber and drive off to Paphos for a wedding. Cheers, Keep you posted.
Love, Lily