I'm starting to understand how things work. We work in the morning and "visit" a range of people as we drive at speed through narrow, winding streets. We lob in, there's a lot of excited shouting, invitations to coffee, gossip, and suddenly we belt off to someone else we have promised to see. Suddenly its 10 pm and we go home ...but others go off in family or friendship groups to get a meal at a tavern...Yes, that's life.

We caught up with Soulla and her family in Paphos. She took us to see her new house plot, and of course on the way, dropped in to see a childhood friend who has a printing business (yes, coffee) so she could get a piece of card (as well as marriage advice and a bit of philosophy).
Of course, Zacharia (the printer) gave Soulls a CD of music to try and we drove off at speed with a lot of oppa and jiving (where else.. to Soulla's sister at the video store, so that she could make a copy of the CD for Soulla and Helen).
Then off to the limani (port) to get fake Dolce and Gabbana glasses and watch the rehearsals of some massive theatrical being staged in a theatre constructed over the water, on scaffolding at the Medieval castle.
Then off to the limani (port) to get fake Dolce and Gabbana glasses and watch the rehearsals of some massive theatrical being staged in a theatre constructed over the water, on scaffolding at the Medieval castle.
Suddenly we are racing back to Soulla's as her husband and Zacharia have decided to go out for a bite with their families. They try to press us to go out with them but we insist that we have to go home..but not before we get some souvlaki at a roadside eatery. Soulla takes us home to get Helen's car but we go in and finish the souvlaki before we take off for the ride home. Suddenly, Soulls is dragging out a lot of new dresses she bought recently and insisting that Helen try them on as she might like to wear one at a wedding we are going to on the weekend (whose wedding???...who cares). There's lots of discussion about the right shoes and jewellery. Suddenly Zacharia is there and we all decamp to outside for another load of greetings and farewells.
Ok, which way is Lemessos? We are not really sure as Soulls has given three sets of instructions and has variously confused left and right. It's no use asking me as I get lost at the best of times and it's all greek to me. Perhaps with a bit of divine intervention and a lot of instinct, Helen gets us on the highway to Limassol...but why is it all so dark? Yes, one of the headlights has blown so we can go back in "dingy: or use high beam all the way and risk blinding other drivers...there is a lot of swapping between these two options.
Finally we get home and bed is looking very good, but there is a squeal from Helen;s room as she catches sight of a massive fireworks display over the harbour. We race up to the tarrazza, a massive area of roofspace thet is used like a massive sundeck. It's a wonderful show. The lights look like stardust against a very soft, velvet sky.
To bed..to bed..and is it any wonder that I fall asleep immediately.
I wonder what tomorrow holds...?
I'll keep you posted, Love Lily